what is different?
So, what is different about Sojourn? Here are some things we will be intentional about:
1. Shepherd / Pastoring: Are you being truly cared for spiritually? In the Old Testament as well as the New Testament, God desired His people to have leaders who cared for their soul. Sadly, many people have been burned by people in the church. That was not God's desire for His sheep nor His shepherds. Therefore, we want to truly care for and shepherd your life, soul, and family.
We do this through three main avenues: God's Word, a Plurality of Elders/Pastors, and our Gospel Communities.
Do you have leaders who know more than your name? Who know what you're going through in life each month? Who want to share life with you and walk alongside you?
We've come to an interesting time in the history of the church where going to a building, sitting and listening, and maybe attending a class has defined our idea of "church." It is that, but it is much more than that. This was not Jesus' intentions.
2. Grace-based Disciple-Making & Family-Equipping: Do you have a plan for your family? We spend hours strategizing, thinking, and planning at our jobs, for vacations, for our finances. But we easily fail to take the time to be intentional with our parenting.
**What do your time and priorities and schedule reveal to your children are the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE?
What if your kids began to find their identity in Christ and through the family instead of searching for acceptance through peer approval?
3. Gospel Communities (Small Groups/Life Groups on Steroids): People desire authentic community. But sometimes attaining "community" becomes the end goal. At Sojourn, we want Gospel, Community, and Mission to always stay together. We do not want to drop mission. So our "community" of believers that gather in homes throughout the city, live missionally, meaning "outward-focused," but the gospel is central to all of that. Thus, "Gospel Communities."
Don't be intimidated. It's simply getting together in a living room or meeting place to open up the Bible, discuss it's truth and implications on our lives, pray, build relationships, and possibly have a meal together from time to time. It's also a great place to have cookouts, serve one another, have parties, and celebrate life together.
4. Global & Local Church Planting: We want to train and multiply disciples, who in turn, are called and sent by the Holy Spirit to new gospel works. That may be living as a missionary across the globe, launching a new Gospel Community in a different neighborhood, or planting a new church in another city.
Along with Sojourn Church, we are praying that we would be able to establish a Residency Program for training, equipping, and launching out future pastors, church planters, and missionaries. We hope to become a launching pad for God's glory in the next few decades!
A main part of our church-planting future is partnering with Harbor Network.
5. Gospel-Saturation of Particular Places & Peoples: We want to serve our city by saturating particular places and peoples of our city with the gospel--gospel word and deed. It is sometimes easier to do a "work project" from 9-11 AM on a Saturday once a year, than to invest your life and carry the burdens of people God has placed right in front of us.
What's different? Instead of the idea of clean yourself up and "come to our building," we want to send our people out to those around us where every man, woman, and child have repeated opportunities to hear, experience, and respond to the gospel of Christ. It's the difference between a "seating capacity" and "sending capacity."