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If you’re “Un-churched” and know nothing about the Bible or church or God—we want you to know you are welcomed. Even the Bible-belt is full of people who never understood what true Christianity and living for Christ actually looks like. (See below)
If you’re “De-churched” due to growing up in a somewhat abusive or unhealthy religious family or church setting where “forced conformity” to lists and rules that were beyond the Bible’s commands—mainly enforced to “look like good Christians” externally—we would love for you to visit and see why we believe views on Christianity, the local church, and Jesus must be changed. We want to be a grace-oriented environment that still holds to Biblical fidelity—not choosing between the two. Jesus “came in grace and truth.”
what we have to offer:
gospel of christ
What we have to offer is the Gospel of Christ—which reminds us constantly that while we are all more sinful than we could understand—we are simultaneously loved more than we could imagine.
biblical understanding
What we have to offer is true Biblical teaching and life-on-life disciple-making—not “churchy customs” and “churchy sub-cultures” focused on politics or legalistic external conformities. We want to help people understand the Bible’s actual teaching versus some of the church culture stuff that isn’t Biblical at all.
authentic relationships
What we have to offer is loving relationships where we have time for you, your story, and soul care. Following Jesus (discipleship) has always been a communal—not an individualistic endeavor.
grace-oriented environments
What we have to offer is a grace-oriented environment that does not compromise truth, but also understands that the majority of people do not really know what the Bible actually teaches. We understand that each one of us has a different story and is at a different place with different questions about following Christ. We have space for the curious and those who feel (or know) they are far from God.