our story in his story
where it all began...
Sankie & Jamie Lynch launched Sojourn in Tulsa in October of 2017 with a wonderful group of people.
Sojourn began with a few families and individuals as a core group meeting in their living room. We launched Sojourn in a living room instead of as a worship service so those who joined would understand the true essence of the New Testament church. After meeting in homes for 4-5 months, developing DNA and care for one another, we had three “preview” Sojourn Gatherings in a dance hall (we call it the Glitter Ball) in February, March, and April.
We then transitioned to twice-a-month Saturday night services from April through September. And we launched weekly Sojourn Gatherings (services) in October of 2018.
"We are the church"--The church is not a building or structure. We wanted to focus on the Identity and Mission of Christ's church. We also wanted to establish the DNA of the church apart from the single idea of a church service. We want to love, serve, and bless the city of Tulsa instead of expecting Tulsa to give to us. We wanted to learn to love one another the way Jesus spoke of in John 13:34-35.
We believe Jesus truly changes everything.
We desire for every man, woman, and child to have repeated opportunities to hear the gospel, experience the gospel, and respond to the gospel.
We desire to be a people of God, the Kingdom of Christ (the church), living out Jesus' ethic in word and deed.
We believe the gospel leads us and empowers us into diversity of ethnicity, race, socio-economic status, and former backgrounds.
We want to partner and collaborate with others to see Christ captivate many in this city and across the globe, as we launch many other disciples, church plants, and missionaries for the glory of God.