We want to help bring change to the way people view Christianity, the local Church, and Jesus.
We are on a journey…as Sojourners, on this earth. Jesus is leading us.
We are “in process.” In need of grace.
We are learning what it looks like to Love God and Love Others while still struggling with sinful fits of selfishness, greedy gain, self-righteousness, lust and pride.
We are not sinless. But we are learning the path of the cross and the way of the One who became sin, for us.
Therefore, we are still in need of Jesus everyday. In need of the Spirit to transform us everyday. In need of the Father’s love everyday.
The name “SOJOURN” is the Biblical idea and reminder that “we are Sojourners and exiles” on this earth—we are actually just passing through (“to sojourn on a trip”). We are “citizens of a Heavenly Kingdom” while living on earth—so we anticipate and look forward to our ultimate eternal home with God Himself as the treasure!
Christianity was never meant to be married to a specific class, race, status, nation, or political affiliation.
It was never meant to be known by a posture of aggressive attacks or entitlement.
It was ALWAYS a path of humility, grace, and love.
We want to help bring change to the way people view Christianity.
We want to help bring change to the way people view the local church.
We want to help bring change to the way people view Jesus.